Seeing this photo of this fellow standing casually here in the doorway, brings me back to an important moment within me. He was a waiter I encountered while on a trip to Brazil many years ago. He was a very pleasant man, quiet in demeanor and attentive as a good waiter should be. I was dining with a friend and had enjoyed an delicious, but inexpensive, filling meal with a open pit roasted suckling pig as the main course. I remember it was a typical beautiful day in Rio De Janeiro and this leisurely and fine meal topped it off. After seeing and confirming that I was indeed finished, our waiter cleared our plates from our table and I thought was heading back to the kitchen. Instead he walked with my mostly eaten meal in hand over to a low wall that was bordering this outside establishment and to my surprise handed it directly to a hungry family that had been apparently waiting for us to finish so they could consume what was left behind.
I have over the years been to many parts of the world where poverty and hunger was pretty evident, but had never encountered anything like this direct connection and contrast to my own comparative wealth and ease. This waiter was the vessel that day that opened my eyes to another world, where daily sustenance is not taken for granted and even a picked through plate of food was a much welcomed gift. I would like to have ended this story with how I then approached this very needy family and then went on to significantly change their lives, but that would not be true. In spite of the evidence, the shock and conviction before me, I didn't want to 'embarrass" them in their poverty and we moved on with our lives and travel. My decision weighed heavily upon my heart though as I came to realize that it was perhaps me that was really embarrassed.
After wards, coming back into and living in a rich man's world by global standards, I like many do after traveling, mostly forgot about the other, less fortunate people that number more than we can imagine on this small planet. In the years since, sometimes I have taken the time and money to help others and have occasionally even sought out opportunities to help the 'Least of these' as commanded in Matthew 25:31-46, but sometimes I still forget myself in my selfishness also.
This weekend, I am once again blessed that my family has an opportunity to practice our faith onto others as we travel to Washington D.C. to assist in efforts there lead by a sister church. Perhaps this time, I can keep an eye out for a small but truly significant need that might normally escape my line of vision, like this one along time ago.
In thinking about it all, I feel sometimes we all need to take a step back, look around ourselves and then choose to see those who might be less visible, perhaps behind that wall, waiting for a blessing. I promise, you will be the one who is rewarded.