While on a family outing down the hill behind or home to see some Hurricane Irene flooding along our creek, I spotted these tiny, tiny mushrooms on the way back up the hill.
If not for the bright, eye catching color I would have easily missed these underfoot for their small size. Immediately getting down on my elbows and knees, I made a few exposures trying to maintain some sort of light and focus on this cloudy, wet day with such a small subject, all the while hand holding the camera and macro lens at 1/8 second, to get at least a small amount of depth of field. The excursion out was my wife's idea (I would have preferred to stay inside and dry), but in the end well worth the effort. In the second photo, you can see the scale with my finger tip in the frame.
They really did give me a sense of cheer and for the small, but beautiful things of our world.