As we once again approach Memorial Day, for me after a long year, I wanted to get something up to honor those that have given up everything for the rest of us.
I might be biased, but I think the American flag is awesome. The thoughtful combination of the deep blue, bright white stars and 13 alternating red and white stripes just stirs something with in me, call it pride or just being sentimental, but I still get choked up every time I say the pledge of allegiance and even more so when joining a chorus of our national anthem.
Last year when I had the opportunity to go to Washington D.C. with my son and his boy scout troop for the day, we squeezed in allot of activities in our few visiting hours, including a Capital tour (fascinating), a trip through the Air and Space Museum (a must) and a quick jaunt through a small part of the Natural History Museum, but the biggest thrill for me was to see the recently opened display of the Star-Spangled Banner Flag within the National Museum for American History. It was displayed in a room of it's own, at an angle leaning towards us, behind a large glass wall and dimly lit to protect it's fragile condition, but it was just majestic none the less. Photographs were not allowed so I have none to share (you will just go have to go and see it yourself!), but I could have spent the rest of the afternoon just standing and looking at it, imagining the things it could say if it were to describe it's own history. It was personally a very moving experience for me and I look forward to going back at some point.
In thinking on this upcoming day of national memory for our fallen solders and in looking at the red stripes of our national flag, I always think of the sacrifice of those that have given the ultimate to protect our freedoms. This image, taken at Liberty Park in New Jersey, I hope does the same for you.