When traveling from a few hours away down the Pa Turnpike (this is a limited access toll highway for our international friends..,think Autobahn, but slower) a few weeks ago at day break on a Sunday morning, there was a fresh overnight snow and the closer I got to home, the more beautiful the roadside was blanketed in white. The opportunities to stop were very limited by the mostly narrow shoulder and high speed traffic and as I passed view after view I was growing anxious about missing these wonderful shots. Shortly, after crossing a long bridge, there was a small offshoot service road and I quickly pulled in. Not wanting to get ticketed at an unauthorized stop, I quickly jumped out of the car with my loafers on (my destination was church) into the deep snow on the edge of the pavement to make a few quick shots. In spite of the traffic whizzing close by, looking down into the quiet woods for this fresh image was soothing and invigorating at the same time. The downside was that for the rest of the way, I had to keep the heater on full tilt to dry my shoes and socks, but it was worth it!