Today I was thinking about how we as humans treat each other and in many respects, we are kind of like alligators..... often (but not always) out for ourselves and biting the hand that feeds us.
The photo today was taken on a 'Bayou' tour outside of New Orleans this past spring. During the tour, the boat operator did his best to get us up close and personal to these most wild of beasts and in many cases we were right along side of them as they moved slowly, swaying their muscled tails from side to side as they moved silently through the muddy water. Although fascinated by being so close, I was at the same time intimidated by them as I have a long standing respect for and fear of them. While in India a few years ago, we had waded through crocodile waters and I remember thinking how horrible a death would be in their grasp.
In looking to get the shot that was 'in my mind' this time, I wanted to be right on top of the animal to give a really intimate view. After a few attempts and leaning out over the boat side to do so, the guide strongly extorted me with his southern draw to please keep my body in the boat. He then took some time to demonstrate their hidden ability to explode out of the water and grasp with a loud snap a potential food source in an instant, even several feet above the water line. As my head and torso were previously within a couple of feet of theirs as I was angling for the shot and given his immediate display of that bone crushing bite, his point was well taken. I still got the shot though.
Many times in society, we also provoke, intimidate and just treat others in ways that would be familiar to this most ancient of reptiles and reminds me of what a sad state of affairs we are often in. It also reminds me though of how thankful I am for the immense grace that is offered to me and hope even in a small respect to be graceful to others in turn, shedding my bony 'scales' in the process.