Yesterday I lost a friend....We'll, not so much lost as turned her over to a new owner, also a friend. A new rider will now be catching the curves on my 1981 Yamaha Virago as I have since put on a larger two wheeled vehicle (2003 Yamaha V Star 1100). After 4 years of riding at every sunny opportunity (and a few less than sunny ones), it is another's turn now to ride this fine classic machine and enjoy the freedom and joy it brings. My new(er) ride is larger and faster and more comfortable for sure, but in riding this one yesterday for the last time, it was just plain fun as it was nimble, light and quiet, leaning it through the country turns on the way to deliver it to it's new owner.
Lots of memories have come through that machine and my kids first rides, the very ones that went from a bits of fear and uncertainty to thrills and smiles while on the back seat.
Anyone who rides a motorcycle has reached that moment when you just feel connected to the machine and it is as if your thoughts are translated through the rubber onto the road and the machine just goes effortlessly. It is within that moment that you can't help but smile wide. Sometimes when this happens this adds little flying insect type things that you might not want in your teeth, but after a particularly exhilarating and satisfactory ride, you know deep down it is really worth it.
The image today was taken when I first got the Virago on the way to work with the camera just around my neck.