Nov 18, 2012

Power of Fear and Love

This image, taken while on an assignment for US News and World Report on the growing impact of the Klu Klux Klan in America is one that has always haunted me. It has always been to me a powerful and intriguing image in the pose and attire that this man displays, but sickens me as to the world it represents. What he holds in his crossed arms and hood, is the power of fear, both for those whom he and his group would oppose and persecute, but also fear within himself of the very idea and people he condemns. He himself, is afraid to see his fellow man made in the image of God and to even attempt to accept him as such. His fear has turned into hate, the very opposite of love.

The power of fear cripples us all at times, in thought, action and even collectively as whole nations, as we seek defenses to protect against our enemies, who do likewise as they are also gripped in fear of us. It stifles and kills innovation, truth, risk, adventure, crushes the spirit and even can hinder love itself holding back our very souls from the one who created them. In all of this, we fail to see that the power held within His love can conquer any fear that is within us. Scripture tells us in 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear... The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

In looking back, I remember while watching and documenting that 'rally' event and seeing first hand, hate so graphically personified in right front of my eyes and lens (In fact I narrowly missed getting beaten, while in the illusion of my 'safe zone' behind my camera, in the middle of scuffle a foot or so away from me), the sense of fear that was there that day was so very real to me. There have been many times since when it has welled up in a variety of forms, pushing it's way into the consciousness of my mind, even to this very day, and continues to be a struggle for me, but given the choice whether to let it rise, crippling my soul for a season or to run to my God,  who I know loves me, the one who is love itself, I will always choose love and always chose Him. 

Oct 14, 2012

Power en masse

No one can deny the amazingly unfathomable power contained within the water that literally covers over three quarters of our planet, for in it is the power to enrich and uphold every living being, as we depend on it, very simply for our daily physical sustenance. Like the planet on which we reside, our very bodies have an equal ratio of this precious fluid supporting us. But also in it's grasp is the tremendous power to destroy and erode, both individually and in great numbers, man and the earth's many environments. Drop by drop, it has shaped endless shorelines, carved deep canyons and by use of it as a resource, man has forged political, social and economic boundaries. It has been used as a weapon, a tool and in a most direct way to create electric power for our needs.

Personally, living within a short distance of a coastline for most of my life, I have always been fascinated by and drawn to the surf and it's never ending push and pull at the ribbon like edges of of our continents, where water upon meeting the dry earth exchanges things of the sea with those from the land. It is at this junction of two dissimilar worlds, where both dreams and adventures, stories and fears are inspired, for hidden beneath the vast surface stretched out before or eyes, is a world which we have only begun to understand and which holds innumerable mysteries and deep fascinations contained within our imaginations.

This particular photo, I took while on a break from a corporate photographic assignment on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, not far from my first and only adventure on a surfboard, at the famous Waimea Beach, thanks to a photographer friend, Aaron Chang. In this shot, I always have liked the layers of depth and color, from the foreground reflection, to blue shadow in the curl and translucence above, to the mist peeling off the top into the various hues of deep ocean and sky on beyond the breakers.

Sep 26, 2012

Power Trip

Here is a photo of the inside of a jet engine intake, taken at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. The simplicity of it's concept and design is amazing and it's power has literally transformed our world, shortening distances and made daily worldwide travel possible as we know it.

Although this form of power has taken me around the world many, many times and to adventures that richly fill my memories, it had appealed to me here purely for it's aesthetic beauty.   

Sep 20, 2012

Seat of Power

This image of a Rotunda ceiling of inside the U.S. Capital is the first of a series that I have been thinking about for a while on power. Nothing stirs the heart and patriotism like seeing the magnificent architectural within the buildings of our nation's capital. It is certainly the seat of great power influencing the lives of millions worldwide, for good or for bad, but power non the less.

May 27, 2012

Remembering the unkown

"Who is buried here?" my youngest asked as we were sitting in the gallery to the Gravesite of the Unkown soldier."shhhh!" I say trying to maintain the silence (they WILL reprimand you if you are disruptive),"no one knows". "Why not" he asks, whispering....... I will explain later.

I am sure there have been a few conversations, like this one that afternoon a few years ago, when kids try to grasp the solemn, reverence of this place in our nations capital. The 'soldier' honored there is in spirit, everyman that has ever lost their lives in the service of this great country, yet  the three who are actually entombed there, they are those who's names we do not know. Not only did they lose their mortal lives, but their identities as well, and in doing so, became an important symbol for a place of national mourning and remembrance to this day.

Every second of every day since July 1st 1937, this tomb has been under watch of a handful of guards that have volunteered and been selected for this solemn duty. Their time here is for only a short season built around this important task, but it is an honor that they will cherish their entire lives.

The tombs themselves are simple, granite slabs recessed into the platform overlooking the mall across the Potomac River and the over 400,000 surrounding graves of the fallen whom we know, with a solid granite monument behind inscribed with Here Rests In Honored glory An American Soldier Known But To God.

These three deceased men receive many, many thousands of yearly visitors, perhaps more than any other gravesite in the world, yet they remain in anonymity for it is only to God they are known. The very that God promises that He intimately knows each and everyone of us, even to the point of knowing the number of hairs on our heads, as recorded in Luke 12:7! Whether in life or in death, we are not a mystery to Him.... but Him to us, until we decide to live for Him, accepting His sacrifice as sufficient for us.

As we honor and remember the sacrifice given by these three men and the countless others to their country and our freedom on this Memorial Day, let us also remember the ultimate sacrifice of the One who created us and gave Himself up for us.

Feb 8, 2012

Surprise Sanctuary

This wonderful little winter scene is one that is probably no more than 5 miles to my home, yet I never went past it until this past year. While heading to work, a closed bridge (a common occurrence in our neck of the woods) forced me to detour onto a dirt road to find a new way. Along this hidden road, I discovered one of the most beautiful and well maintained farms I have ever encountered and made a note to visit again when the time was right. Well, one snowy afternoon was just that time and I ventured out to see what might happen. I shot from the road side as I did not want to disturb the snow, but was spotted by a caretaker who let me shoot, but with a promise not to reveal the location or use the images commercially. So this is for your viewing pleasure only> I hope you enjoy it.