Sep 26, 2012

Power Trip

Here is a photo of the inside of a jet engine intake, taken at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. The simplicity of it's concept and design is amazing and it's power has literally transformed our world, shortening distances and made daily worldwide travel possible as we know it.

Although this form of power has taken me around the world many, many times and to adventures that richly fill my memories, it had appealed to me here purely for it's aesthetic beauty.   

Sep 20, 2012

Seat of Power

This image of a Rotunda ceiling of inside the U.S. Capital is the first of a series that I have been thinking about for a while on power. Nothing stirs the heart and patriotism like seeing the magnificent architectural within the buildings of our nation's capital. It is certainly the seat of great power influencing the lives of millions worldwide, for good or for bad, but power non the less.