This image however, was taken on a winter moonlit night probably about midnight of a Red Maple tree we planted in our yard years ago. I like doing nighttime exposures, for many reasons, one being the quiet and the challenge to do so, but also for the interesting quality of light that is expressed through the reflected light from the moon. After a long exposure, it is always surprising how much can be seen and captured and I think of the animals created for the night and how they easily see, and the color shift in the camera and luminescent quality is cool to me.
Sometimes, I wish I could see in the dark (how much more pleasant that season would be) both literally and in a spiritual sense for darkness is very wearisome to both the body and the soul and leaves me grappling for purpose sometimes, just like I would stumble on a dark winters night. This past year has brought me to many places of great interest once again in creative expression, some avenues that are very new to me, opening my mind to see the world differently and some reborn from the past, but it has also brought some times of deep darkness, where it became a concentrated effort just to keep moving ahead.
As winter approaches once again, I am hoping for some snowy treed days ahead to help push me through the season and give me opportunities to allow me to see through the night. Perhaps if so, my heart would also be lifted in the process and I would once again find my way until spring.