Oct 14, 2012

Power en masse

No one can deny the amazingly unfathomable power contained within the water that literally covers over three quarters of our planet, for in it is the power to enrich and uphold every living being, as we depend on it, very simply for our daily physical sustenance. Like the planet on which we reside, our very bodies have an equal ratio of this precious fluid supporting us. But also in it's grasp is the tremendous power to destroy and erode, both individually and in great numbers, man and the earth's many environments. Drop by drop, it has shaped endless shorelines, carved deep canyons and by use of it as a resource, man has forged political, social and economic boundaries. It has been used as a weapon, a tool and in a most direct way to create electric power for our needs.

Personally, living within a short distance of a coastline for most of my life, I have always been fascinated by and drawn to the surf and it's never ending push and pull at the ribbon like edges of of our continents, where water upon meeting the dry earth exchanges things of the sea with those from the land. It is at this junction of two dissimilar worlds, where both dreams and adventures, stories and fears are inspired, for hidden beneath the vast surface stretched out before or eyes, is a world which we have only begun to understand and which holds innumerable mysteries and deep fascinations contained within our imaginations.

This particular photo, I took while on a break from a corporate photographic assignment on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii, not far from my first and only adventure on a surfboard, at the famous Waimea Beach, thanks to a photographer friend, Aaron Chang. In this shot, I always have liked the layers of depth and color, from the foreground reflection, to blue shadow in the curl and translucence above, to the mist peeling off the top into the various hues of deep ocean and sky on beyond the breakers.

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