Dec 30, 2014

Of Latitudes and Longitudes

Loneliness...       40° 14' 11.7168"    -75° 35' 37.8384"
Coordinates of an old mill...a tiny spec on a world map, fashioned from imaginzary lines. As you can see from the autumn image above taken from my bedroom, as a physical space, it is no more or less lonely than anywhere else on earth I suppose, but for a heart that lives daily choked in grief, separation and loneliness it is a place like none other. A quieted soul, static, amid steel wheels riding steel rails and rocks are reduced to pebbles, where unseen atoms are unleashed into great power. In the midst of this noise that breaks the air from man working this earth, sits the silence of a heart torn, one that remains beating for regrets and worries and sorrows...knowing there is no one who truly cares for or about it, except those that were born from it and Him who created it. In this isolation, there is no honest hug found when coming in the door to bring a smile and love waiting to take hold of in a warm hand, no care to grow in, enjoy and rest in...all things I want to wantonly give back in honest, sincere, deep relationship. The abscence of certain things... the sounds of children playing, the softness of the meadow in the sun, time spent in fun with friends, kind smiles and bright, cheerful hellos... speaks volumes to where I am and to whom I must have become...what people now believe of me. I am told from people who say they know God's will that it is what I deserve and where I must belong.

Within this world, it would seem a lovely place, one with a quietly stream meandering down into a powerful river, the deep beauty of the wood to behold, but with out the joy of heart only found in fellowship and love, it is still only a place to just be...not to truly live. A place to take in air, be sustained, but not truly breathe...for a heart to somehow still remain beating, but not to bring life. I think next to feeling rejection, loneliness is the worst emotion of life. 

I wish for a place, it doesn't matter where, where once again I would be seen for my heart, for it to be found and opened in love... for it now feels dismissed, discounted and pushed aside by those who had laid claim to such emotions for me. I wish for life again, I wish that smiles and music would fill my heart with peace and my soul would blossom with singing...expression to be given away. I wish my heart would rise out of these good things, to be found a blessing and inspiration, to be wanted and cherished, rather than silently fall...beating, alone. A world of vast importance to me has purposefully lost me here and as pretty as it can be to see the sun glide over the river, silent as the passing water, perhaps my soul has always left me expecting more from the sunrise, that this earth would be more alive as only when seen with another's eyes in mine. There seems to be so much wanting inside, so many good things stored away...silent, waiting and asking to be heard in another, allowing it to fill their being too. I yearn for it...long for such a day and wait for such a place that I know is possible, but seems not so, for I cannot find it now in the winds that surround me.

"I do not wish to be found empty and alone when I find one foot standing at the grave, but ask that I may make this leap with a heart full of love spent, given and then filled from another to carry me peacefully there." 

Dec 7, 2014

A Tree and Me

The Giving Tree... a favorite book of mine and one that I used to read to my children often, is a wonderful illustration of love. As you know if you have read this blog before, I like trees... I like their beautiful forms, I like the nature of the roots, I like the resources they offer both as they live and after they are gone. I love all the things they supply to my hands and to my soul. I like them

The image here is of a tree in my area that I have photographed on a few occasions in various seasons. Some of new growth peeking out as the field is sprouting, ones of the fall colors being revealed (that are always there in fact, but hidden by the green of summer) and now this shot, recently... in the trials of winter. 

 This particular tree to me, in a season of newness and youth, uniquely has been like a joyful beacon, giving to me hope and strength and encouragement as it welcomes in the spring. Like the one in the children's book, I have wanted to be like it, offering these things to people around me...people I love. In the autumn, it has offered beauty to me, it's peace... it's colorful tones have contrasted with a blue sky on a sunlit fall day. Attributes I also want to share with others. But now, it seems to speak to me most in it's starkness and isolation, lonely on this hill. In seeing it today, I think of the winter before me, I feel it's twisting and bending in the cold winds without protection around it...fellowship. It's bark worn and tired, it's branches stretched and breaking, reaching into nothing in the massive negative space that surrounds it. love...that once carried it even in the dark, are absent from it, shrinking as water pulling it's life, sheds away from it's feet. It's roots having been cut for the growing field around it and the time to provide shade and rest is no more. All it has to give is unwelcome and put away now in this season of natural death.

I hope that this particular tree will reach spring and find itself a refuge once again for the birds that will seek it's branches, that it will sprout with strength and renewed hope, bringing with it peace and quiet joy to those that come to it to find shelter and lie beneath it's canopy. That it's roots once again will find water, like words of affection, to carry it. I too hope for these things, but winter can be long and cold and harsh and too quiet.