This additional post today is a tag along entry to the one above.
Sadly, the photography world has lost another one of it foundations or 'roots'. Irvin Penn (June 16, 1917-October 7, 2009) died yesterday at his home in Manhattan. His influence on the art of photography and design as well as my own work is substantial both directly and indirect. He along with Richard Avedon and Art Kane (a teacher and mentor of mine) was a student of the very influential Alexi Brodvovich.
Penn's work was widely varied with pursuits and major success in fashion, fine art and portrait photography, drawing, painting and design among many others. He photographed the famous to the ordinary and made memorable images of them all. Here are two shots that have always come to my mind when I have thought of him. The first of Truman Capote which I think envelopes the essence of portraiture in capturing this particular personality and the second of Picasso, whom within this image reveals only one eye. This detail along with the strong graphic elements I think plays on the artists own work.
This is great. I love portraits of people like this.