Once again, it has been forever since I have been able to post something, so my apologies to those who like a more regular kind of thing, but that has just been my life recently.
This is a photo that has been parked on my 'desktop' for a while and I just thought I would steal a quick moment from life and get it onto the blog. To be honest, this is a rare photo for me, in that I although I remember taking it, I really do not remember where or when as it was during a time of lots of travel and not too many records. But I can narrow it to perhaps three locations. The most likely being maybe the Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, Fla, the Principe Di Saola in Milano, Italy or maybe a hotel on the Costa del Sol, Spain. Anybody care to help my memory out?
If not, I hope at least you enjoy the vibrant colors and patterns that was between me and the sky that day.
it reminds me of a kaleidoscope. signed by Laurie