Once again fall has come and is slowly fading into the drab colors of winter, but there are still spots of extraordinary beauty around and this particular one I pass on a daily basis heading to and from work, with little notice.
One recent afternoon, I stopped because of the colors present on the opposite side of the street and en when getting back into the car, saw this scene confront me. The awesome mixture of greens, oranges, pinks and brown among many other colors was a visual tapestry laid out before me was inspiring and calming all a once.
I wonder how many people totally just miss this little gem of a spot on the side of the road, instead immersed in radio chatter, chats of their own or thinking of plans ahead. I was glad I pulled to the side that day and hope you also enjoyed my little roadside diversion as much as I did.
This reminds me (not regarding style, but in lighting) of how some of the colors in Kinkade paintings look like they were plugged in.